
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What I Would Put on My Walls

I have always loved art. I even considered minoring in Art Studies when I was in college. However, my passion for languages won out and I ended up choosing French as my minor instead. I do a little painting myself, but have yet to take formal lessons. I have a couple of how-to books, but lessons would undoubtedly be more beneficial. I don’t fancy myself as somebody with real potential though. It’s just nice to be creative. I usually need inspiration to spur me into creativity and that’s why I really try to expose myself to beautiful things. If I had the money, I would fill my home with original artworks. Since I don’t, I have to settle for prints, which are also nice and still do the trick anyway. I love whimsy so I really like fairy art by Margaret Tarrant and illustrations by Tasha Tudor. I also have many Van Gogh prints and find myself quite taken by Gustav Klimt’s swirls. When it comes to contemporary artists, I really enjoy looking at Cao Yong’s works. I particularly love his paintings of European scenes, such as those in the Paris series and the Venice series. However, if I were to buy any of his originals, I would probably pick “Lovers under the Rain”, “Age of Innocence”, or “Girl with Musician”.