
Saturday, May 23, 2009

What the Stylish Nurse Reads

There’s something romantic about nurses. I think many people find them so since there’s a subgenre of romance novels actually dedicated to them. The aunt I am closest to is a nurse and when she was single, she traveled to many exotic places for work. There’s certainly more to the profession than dispensing pills and taking vital signs. If you are a nurse and you would like some entertaining reading that is related to your job, Scrubs is the magazine for you. It is so far from your usual medical digest. It really reads more like a lifestyle magazine than the clinical journal you would expect a nursing magazine to be. It has so many interesting and fun sections that non-nurses will surely enjoy reading it too. Despite its pop culture appeal, there is no doubt that the articles address issues and concerns that nurses encounter in their work. An article I found moving was “Praying with a Patient”. I understand how praying with a patient could look unprofessional and how even Christian nurses could feel uncomfortable doing it, but if I were a patient and a nurse prayed for me, it would give me such comfort. I would feel more assured that the nurse actually wanted me to get better, that I was not just another face and name encountered all in a day’s work.