
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Weekend in Words of One Syllable

I haven't been in the mood to blog lately. Not that there's really much to blog about. I got sick and I think my momentum was broken somehow. I've also been having revertigos, lol. Chip and I got together over the weekend and, yea, long live the '90s. Because of the revertigo, I've sunk back to the couch potato ways of my youth. I've been watching too much TV. Basically, I watch a lot of Fox News (did I ever tell you how I obsessively watched Fox and the crime and suspense channel while I was pregnant with Marguerite? I have since been banned from watching Law & Order SVU, lol) with occasional visits to CNN, just to see how differently they're describing the same events.
Going back to the weekend, we went to Christine's bazaar both Sat and Sun. I'm very gratified to learn that other people also think what I already know: that I married a "hunk", lol. Thus was the very word, Christine's associate Anne used to describe Husband, lol.
We also got together with our friends Trec and Marc. Marguerite played with their daughters Spring and Danie. Well, Marguerite mostly played with their toys since she's not yet big on associative play, unless it's playing with the big kids. She just doesn't seem to be interested in kids her own age. She's the same with our neighbors. She'll start playing and then will get freaked out by the way they behave (which is their age). I'm not sure, but I think I was the same. I'm going to have to read up on this some more.